Bharat Heavy Electrical Limited has release 150 vacancy for Engineer those candidates are interested apply online Now.

BHEL Recruitment 2022

BHEL Vacancy

Civil Engineer: 40 Mechanical Engineer: 30 IT and Computer Science: 20 Electrical Engineer:15 Chemical Engineer:10 Metallurgy Engineer:5 Finance"20 HR:10

MOst important Dates of bhel

-Apply Online from 13 September. -Close Dated 4 October -Exam Date 31st October. 1st November and 2nd November

How Candidates are Selected

1. Based on Exam candidates are selected. 2. The Exam ratio will be 1:5 3. 25% relaxation those candidates are face Physically Challenged

In Training Period Salary is 50,000 After taring salary will be 60,000 to 1,80,000 


How to Apply BHEL Application Form

Fast of visit Official Website of BHEL. The Registration Using Email and Mobile Number.

1st Step

In 2nd Step you Can Submit your Personal Detail like Father Name and Mother Name. Present Address And Present Address.

2nd Step

3rd Step

Fill up Your Education Qualification. 1. 10th 2. 12th 3. Degree 4. Extra Education Qualification (Optional)

Visite Official Website of BHEL

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